Thursday, March 8, 2012

Speaking of Signatures

Since I last spoke of gathering signatures for cards from a group of people like an office or family, I would like to share some tips I use concerning signatures. First off . . . I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having my own signatures in my account. I have the personal font option which comes with four signatures. Some of you received TWO personal fonts; I'm jealous!

You can also pay to have just four signatures added without the personal font. Someday, I want to buy more signatures to add to my account since I have other names like Mom, Grandma, and Halmoni and because I LOVE the ease of using my REAL signature on my greeting cards, the fact that I can make my signature in any color and on any background. It was like Christmas the day my signatures and personal font appeared in my account; I was so thrilled! Well, actually it WAS just before Christmas.So here is a detail about personal signatures: One of my signatures has a lot of white space around it, spacing it at the end of my message far lower than I want on my greeting card . I learned the solution to this while helping one of my customers, Kathi Knowles. I love answering questions for customers since I usually learn more tricks as well (two heads are ALWAYS better than one)! Now, I add a separate text box just for my signature. That makes it so I can overlap the text boxes to get rid of the extra white space. A separate text box just for my signature also allows me to twirl my signature so it can be at an angle. Oh, how I LOVE the twirl button!!!

And for those of you who did not purchase the personal font option (or have procrastinated filling out your font form . . . and believe me, you procrastinators are not alone), you can have the same fun with your "signature" by using a separate text box. I usually choose a different font to sign my cards when I am not using my "Lori B" signature and usually I use a different color.

Just add a little fun to your cards. Everyone likes to have a little chuckle and put a smile on someone's face. It will put a smile on your face also as you think of the person when you click SEND CARD!
Happy Card Sending!

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