Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Extra Mile Smile

There are no traffic jams along the extra mile. Roger Staubach (card inside)

In the latest Wally Amos column in my Costco Connection magazine, he writes about “GOING THE EXTRA MILE” in our personal and business relationships. He teaches us that going the extra mile encourages loyalty and support in employees, customers and friends alike. Here are his comments:

"Going the extra mile indeed means giving everyone you come into contact with more than they expect. Going the extra mile doesn't mean you'll have less if you give more. It means making the people in your life feel special. It's letting them know that you genuinely appreciate them.

It could be something seemingly as small as a thank-you or remembering their birthday with a card. That extra effort lets people know you are not taking them for granted. The reward for making others feel special is that you also feel special!"

Later in the article Wally Amos continues:
"I heard a former high school teacher turned superintendent say that every time he would see a student in the halls he would imagine the initials MMFS on his or her forehead: MAKE ME FEEL SPECIAL."

Everyone wants to feel special and we have that ability by simple acts of kindness we exhibit at any given moment. We can touch and improve someone's day by just giving them a smile, a word of encouragement or even showing them that they are needed. USE the simple process of SendOutCards to drop a note in LESS THAN 3 MINUTES and it will not even feel like an EXTRA MILE effort since it is so easy! A REAL greeting card in the mail will allow someone to read and reread your kind words over and over again to extend that special feeling they receive even farther! I promise:
YOU will also feel better!

I highlighted in orange so I could say to you, "Orange you glad you did this?"

From Thomas S. Monson, a leader whom I admire:
"THINK TO THANK. Take things with gratitude rather than for granted."
Happy Card Sending!

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