Saturday, December 15, 2012

Holiday Greeting Card Tips-Personalizing

SendOutCards Campaigns
Using the SendOutCards Campaign feature for sending Holiday Greeting Cards
Insert Name Feature for fun personalization

TIP #4-Remember to have fun with photos, text boxes, thought bubbles and personalizing your card on both the front and inside with the insert name features.   When you use the INSERT NAME feature, do not cut and paste it.  You MUST click on the INSERT NAME feature on the EDIT-PERSONALIZE IT page for it to work as a live mail merge feature.  

I used the FIRST NAME-INSERT NAME feature on this card.  When printed, whatever I have in the first name cell in my Contact Manager, will be auto-filled onto the front of my card.  Watch the tutorial about using Campaigns from your HELP drop down menu on your Main Menu Page red line for more explanations.  Call me at 503-524-1111 if you still have questions.


  1. Thank you for posting this information, Lori! The screencast on SendOutCards won't come up, so I couldn't figure out how to do this from their website! :-)

    1. Sandy,
      Thank you for your comment. If you have an account with SendOutCards, you will find a tutorial on the COMPANY tab called Creating and Sending a Campaign Card. I believe that clip goes into detail on the INSERT NAME feature. I use that feature all sorts of different ways. If you have questions, you may contact me at
